Voice Slot Machine
Participatory project and installation, dimension variable, 2020
Accents are like spices added to spoken words. They help us find traces of personal and collective histories through fascinating acoustic qualities. "Voice Slot Machine," an installation which allows the audience to listen to random mixtures of synchronized voices reading the same sentences, investigates a constant hybridization of cultures with a sociolinguistics approach. The voices are recorded with the help of participants and then mixed in random proportions through a computer algorithm every time the audience pulls the handle of the machine at the exhibition.
展場中,當觀眾拉下角子老虎機的把手,賭場娛樂音效播放,畫面不斷跳動。跳動停止後,機器播放一段多人朗讀的聲響,畫面上顯現的並非水果符號,而是視覺化後的數據——提示著參與者的語言文化背景。 作品執行期間,〈聲音角子老虎〉邀請參與者朗誦一段短短的文字,採集語音,並將音檔切割至比音節還小的單位。展場裝置的把手被拉下時,所有的「音素」將透過演算法依不同比例混合、組合成一段彷彿群眾同聲朗讀的聲響,並且播放出來,每次隨機結果不同,畫面則顯現相應的視覺化數據。
特別感謝 Special Thanks
Vasco Conde、Filipe Meirinhos、Robin Tsung-Han Hsieh 謝宗翰、彥文、詹娓瑋、John、翁念懿、Afore、張泰源、Jen Wen、Shih Yuan TSENG、林子瑜、李亞錡、葛庭妤、Sally Wang、🌵、WFT、Zoe Hsieh、CHAOCHING、Abby、張庭菡、Hui Lin TU、陳佳鈴、鄭媛之、Melisa、Sen、張慧盈、Sky Chen、影嵐、許家瑋、王盈穎、阿汝、賴映蓉、肥宅、黃繼平、地瓜葉、葉淑美、葉南槿、張沛榛、陳奕如、Janice Chang、Felisa、鄭若慧、蔡惟安、洪慧恆、于紹軒、黃裕閔、Zito、Hengan Lin、Alice Grace、李嘉昇、Cayko、黃鈺雯、Zoe Yeh、傅婉貞、外星人C、Freddy Yi-Chi Chen、張翔。